Category Archives: Personal Locator

Why Use GPS Trackers Instead of Two-Way Radio?

  Sometimes two-way voice radios can be used for safety and personnel locating.  When trying to decide if a dedicated GPS transponder like the Raveon ATLAS PT or a voice radio is the right choice, keep these important points in mind: You will know where everyone is at all times.  A GPS Transponder operates at […]

The RavTrack Atlas PL personal GPS locator radio network capabilities

The RavTrack Atlas PL personal GPS locator radio network capabilities Most people will identify the Atlas PL personal locator as an excellent device for people to wear and to send GPS position information, alerts, and man-down status.  Typically the Atlas PL is used in conjunction with the RavTrack AVL GPS vehicle transponders which are equipped […]

ATLAS PL Personal Locator Battery Performance

The ATLAS PL Personal GPS Locator operates off of two internal Lithium-Ion battery packs. Combined, the two batteries deliver 6.8 – 8.6V to the internal radio circuitry.  As the ATLAS PL is used, the batteries discharge, the battery voltage drops, and the RF power will slightly decrease. Below is a table showing typical RF power […]