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RavTrack PC Revision Log

RavTrack PC was first released in February 2008. It is built with Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2008 on the .NET 3.5 foundation and a mapping engine from Franson tools. It is a multi-threading Windows XP/Vista application that can track hundreds of vehicles in true real-time without overloading the computer it is running on. It used Crystal Reports 10 to generate printed and exportable reports, and it uses Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft Access as its database engine.

Version Date Released Description of Major Changes


May 29, 2015

Added RF ID tag read reports. Added drop-down menu to list users’ custom reports. Improved the user-interface to thestatus and event list.

Program Properties configures workstations as CLIENT, SERVER or Stand Alone


Dec 2014

Added support for WayWORD mobile data terminal. Text messaging. IO Profiles are configurable and assignable to tracked objects. RFID tag reads can display the name of a vehicle’s driver.


June 2014

Timed alerts. Added ability to alert based on proximity to other tracked objects. Added PRAVE logging checkbox to configuration window.


Jan 2013

Added language selection. Language file stored in SQL database. Some text on certain forms may be configured for non-english.


November 2010

Updated the layout of the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly usage reports.
Operator can new delete an alert and the vehicle’s label color will change to non-alert.
Changed default COM port retry timer from 90 seconds to 10 minutes.


September 2010

Program will automatically backup the .ini file every month
Memory footprint has been reduced
Tests for proper .NET version during start-up
Fixed bug with handling text using international character sets.


June 2010

Added support for GPSgate server from Franson

Added << >> arrows to main screen so user can quickly collapse/expand left pane

Rule alerts now support sending email/SMS to multiple recipients

Added icons to Alert View window to better visually identify alert status

Added ability to set a max-time between entries on a report from the log

Improved performance with USB-Serial dongles when they are plugged/unplugged

Improved reverse geocoder. Address sticks with vehicle for 300meters if no new address is available.


April 2010

Added ability to restrict workstations to view only certain User Groups

Added View of all tracked objects in movable window

Added View of selected object’s status and location in a movable window

Speed up Geocoder address look up routine

Added Crystal Report to plot speed, altitude, RSSI, and voltage vs time

Added ability to limit the log entries printed on a report to a minimum time interval

Added Home location arrow to show your direction of travel when operation mobile


February 2010

Added ability to create Alert notifications of transitory events such as entering or exiting a geofence.

Added location information to the Alert Summary report.

Added ability to post alert messages to Twitter


January 2010

Added ability to select which user group(s) are to be displayed, using a drop-down list.

Added “Manage Log” rights to user accounts restrictions.

Moved the location of the /data, /maps, /sounds, /logfiles from the ProgramFiles directory to the default user data directory on the computer.

Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

Added ability to individually select which layers to display on the map.

Added more system status information into the System Event Log File.


November 2009

Added support for Microsoft SQL Server database

Added automatic Log Table backup engine

Added Automatic Log Table pruning

Added ability to create Log-based reports from the active log, or a backup Log file

Added support for multiple-maps embedded within one single .maplib file

Added main-window drop-down selection of multiple maps

Added reverse-geocoding (address look-up) using Microsoft MapPoint 2010

Street address is now included in log entry

Added support for Microsoft MapPoint 2010. Display labeled Icons and list vehicles

Added ability to geo-fence filter reports

Added ability to limit alerts to specific times

Added ability to limit alerts to specific days of the week

Users can specify specific geofenced areas to create reports on the activity within them

Added Daily, Weekly, and Monthly vehicle usage reports

Added quick drop-down list of user-configurable locations on the map to jump to


July 4, 2009

Added Log Replay in real-time, fast forward, and rewind

Added TCP/IP client-relay to forward messages to other computers

Added ability to replay Crystal Reports onto map


May 4, 2009

Improved the handling of large log files.

Fixed interface with Crystal Reports to handle large log files.


April 2009

This and all future versions require purchase of a license key from Raveon. A 30-day trial version is available for download.


March 2009

Added tab to show nearest vehicles.

Fixed alert report when filtering by vehicle ID.

Added support for status flags and personal locator.


February, 20009

Added right-click context menus


January 18, 2009

Added ability to enable/disable icons from the database window


January 8, 2009

Added support for Google Earth/ KML files


October 6, 2008

First .NET release


February 8, 2008

First release
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