Here is a list of links to other resources that can help you with designing and creating your complete, real-time, vehicle tracking system.
Helpful Links:
Lowrance: GPS products, displays, plotters, and navigation computers.
Tally Electronics: Distributor of Wireless Infrastructure Products and accessories. Distributor of cables, antennas, power supplies, connectors.
FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET): This FCC office regulates the wireless services for FCC part 15, 22, 90, and 95 type product.
FCC for Public Safety: If you are engaged in public safety activities, you can go directly to this web site for FCC licensing information.
FCC for businesses: If you are a business, commercial, or institutional organization, this web site offers information on obtaining an FCC license.
Antenna Manufacturers:
Radiall-Larsen Antenna Technologies
Accessories for AVL and Vehicle Tracking:
All-Battery: Li-Ion Batteries and Chargers
Tenergy Batteries: Li-Ion Batteries and Chargers
GPSs: GPS displays for vehicle tracking
Frequency Coordinators
Frequency Coordinators are FCC certified to recommend the most appropriate frequencies for applicants in the designated Part 90 radio services. Applications for new frequency assignments, changes to existing facilities or operation at temporary locations must include a showing of frequency coordination.
mrfac: Private Land/Mobile Coordinator. Raveon Recommended.
landmobile: Land Mobile Radio Coordinator.
pcia: Commercial Frequency Coordination.
Freqcoordinators-below-800MHz A list of other frequency coordinators for radio services below 800MHz. These frequency y coordinators can also assist in obtaining FCC licenses.