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Bus Tracking

Superior GPS Solutions for Student Transportation

The RavTrack school bus tracking solution improves bus operations by helping operators to manage, report, and monitor busses effectivly and in real time. GPS tracking of your buses show the “big picture” of how vehicles are utilized, revealing the inefficient practices, quickly identifying problems, and recognizing opportunities for improvement.

Raveon’s RavTrack bus tracking solution does not depend on cellular providers but utilizes licensed radio frequencies. Therefore even remote locations that do not have reliable cellular coverage can be reached by setting up additional radio trasnponders and this solution does not incur any monthly fee!

See where all your vehicles are and find out quickly when they fail to follow your route. When a vehicle fails to leave or return on schedule easily alert everyone who needs to know via email or SMS. It also helps to identify miss-used vehicles, unauthorized behavior, speeding, or excursions into areas that the vehicles do not belong. With Ravtrack operators can easily configure the system to send email or SMS, or alert operators when your rules are violated.

RavTrack GPS fleet vehicle tracking features for bus Tracking:

  • 24/7 monitoring of 1,000+ busses
  • Encrypted and secure communication
  • No Internet required
  • No monthly fees
  • Real-time and historical location and status data
  • Log all bus travel to a database for later reporting and displaying
  • Improved safety by monitoring operations and alerting to unsafe activities.
  • Fastest update rates in the industry (calculate how fast here)
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