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Parks and Recreation GPS Systems

Know where everyone is while in the field and at the office.

Use RavTrack GPS Tracking to monitor the location of all your equipment, rangers, and workers, with no recurring fees. RavTrack delivers helpful, real-time location information that you can use to improve productivity. Location information can be displayed on a on a custom map image of your park. For search-and-rescue, RavTrack will speed the process, display the search pattern live, and help identify available resources.

RavTrack improves park operations by:

  • Quickly locating specific vehicles
  • Track valuable assets (trucks, cars, generators, trailers, mowers, security)
  • Reducing wasted time trying to locate people.
  • Alarm operator on speed , idle, and location violations.
  • Enforcing keep-out zones and park boundaries.
  • Reduce theft by alerting when item move outside of the area.
  • Improve coordination between personnel during emergencies, rescue, and search.
  • Help buses stay on-schedule.
  • See when the next bus/train/trolley is going to arrive.

With real-time GPS tracking from Raveon, there are no added monthly fees. It is the lowest-cost GPS tracking solution, as well as having the fastest updates in the industry. And considering the updates are free, it is also the most economical.

Get a free quote: Call now at +1-760-444-5995 or click here!

RavTrack Basic

RavTrack Basic is the easiest way to make a GPS tracking system using two or more RV-M7 transceivers, and a suitable mobile plotter. The in-vehicle display can be a PC, or a NAV system such as the Lowrance 540C Navigation Display. With one RV-M7 connected to the Lowrance plotter it will show the location of all vehicles with RV-M7 transceivers within radio range.

RavTrack PC

Raveon’s RavTrack PC application is for the displaying, tracking, alarming and logging of the activity in a vehicle tracking system based upon the M7 GX transceivers. This easy-to use application graphically shows the location and status of cars, trucks, people or anything equipped with an RV-M7 transceiver. The display map may be any graphic images, bitmap or .jpg

RavTrack DataNet

DataNet is a software product from DataLink Systems, Inc. ( ). DataNET Software is the result of eight years of evolution. It has been used by U.S. and Canadian Government Agencies for secure GPS tracking and IP packet data routing. The current version offers unsurpassed adaptability.

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