Mobile Data Terminal
WayWORD Mobile Data Terminal
The WayWORD Mobile Data Terminal allows for interaction between operators in the field and a control operator of any Raveon system installed. Raveons WayWORD terminals have many different functions for easy 2 way communications and interaction, using the 8 customize-able keypad buttons you can easily send preset messages back to a control center, and pressing more then 1 button at a time gives the operator even more commands to send. This terminal has been used in many systems around the world, and especially in the mining industry where drivers and heavy machine operators can use RFID tags to sign into these terminals and report all there information on a set timer back to a control center.
Raveons MDT can be incorperated with fatigue monitoring systems to help keep your mining operations safe. Fatigue monitoring systems watch the drivers eyes for abnormal behavior, such as when someone gets drowsy and is about to fall asleep, and can send alerts through Raveons MDT to a control center warning of fatigue or undesired driver habits. Protocols can be set into place to send alerts back to the MDT and sound and alarm to wake the driver, warn the driver that there unfit to drive, and even shutdown a vehicle if that protocol was set in place.
- Text Messaging. Large and easy to read text display.
- Automatic Status Reporting. 8 status buttons allow users to easily communicate their status.
- 99 event codes. Users may enter any one of 99 event codes. The WayWORD MDT will transmit the event.
- 4 digital outputs. Various devices (doors, parking lights, stop arm,…) can be connected to the WayWORD MDT and it automatically reports the condition of these inputs every time it reports a GPS position using a Raveon GPS transponder.
- Optional RFID Reader. The MDT can read RFID tags and automatically transmit the tag read back to monitoring station to keeptrack of who is in a vehicle.
The WayWORD MDT has a mount pattern compatible with the mounting hardware made by RAM. Below is a picture of the WayWORD MDT with a RAM ball mount secured to it. Click <here> for more information about mounting options.
Click here for RV-DT8-1 Mobile Data Terminal datasheet. Link to the WayWORD user manual: User Manual
Contact Raveon for more details.