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Mining Equipment GPS Tracking and Asset Management

Live Real-Time Mine Operation Information.

Know where all your mine equipment and operators are, who is in each vehicle, which ones are the most efficient, and how they are being used on site – with no recurring fees. RavTrack is used in many open-pit mines and has many features that benefit mining operation management. You can see the location of your vehicles and equipment on a PC computer at headquarters, and you can mount in-vehicle displays in your supervisory vehicles to monitor them from inside any vehicle.

RavTrack delivers constructive, real-time information about your mining equipment on a standard or custom map image. Information that you can use to increase profit and improve productivity. Our optional Supervised Navigation system enhances safety and improves productivity when operating heavy equipment.

RavTrack improves management at the mine by:

Create a real-time vehicle tracking system using Raveon’s M7 GX GPS transponder and a simple map display. The map display may be a navigation display such as the Lowrance 540C, or our own RavTrack PC software program running on any Microsoft Windows computer.

Track your equipment with Raveon’s GPS transponders from within the cab of your supervisor’s trucks or on-site at the main office. Raveon provides a complete mine equipment tracking system, with no recurring fees. Simply install the transponders in the vehicles you wish to track, and plug a Windows PC or Navigation display into our M7 GX transponder and begin tracking. With RavTrack PC software, you can log the routes your vehicle’s take, monitor speed and idle time, and create virtual keep-out zones (geo-fences).

With the introduction of RavTrack PC version 6 in 2014, this system now has many features that benefit mining operation management. For a diagram describing the RavTrack system architecture, view the mining asset tracking infographic. We also offer a webinar, which provides an overview of the system.

Get a free quote today or call: 1-760-444-5995 !

RavTrack Basic

RavTrack Basic is the easiest way to make a GPS tracking system using two or more RV-M7 transceivers, and a suitable mobile plotter. The in-vehicle display can be a PC, or a NAV system such as the Lowrance 540C Navigation Display. With one RV-M7 connected to the Lowrance plotter it will show the location of all vehicles with RV-M7 transceivers within radio range.

RavTrack PC

Raveon’s RavTrack PC application is for the displaying, tracking, alarming and logging of the activity in a vehicle tracking system based upon the M7 GX transceivers. This easy-to use application graphically shows the location and status of cars, trucks, people or anything equipped with an RV-M7 transceiver. The display map may be any graphic images, bitmap or .jpg

Atlas PT

Raveon’s ATLAS PT is a Personal Tracking System that provides immediate location, tracking, and alerting of while engaged in critical activities. The ATLAS PT is ideal for mission critical personal observation.

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